In my quest to get at least one POTA park in each New England state, I completed two more POTA Activations today.
The Parks were beautiful. I had a great time. I worked K-3114 Fort Dummer State Park, Guilford, VT and K-3146 Sweet Pond State Park, Guilford, VT
Received my latest Parks On The Air (POTA) award for activating all fifty-two state parks in Rhode Island. To successful activate you must make contact with a minimum of ten people over the airways. The list below shows the parks:that I worked.
I am now well on my way working Mass POTA parks, as of today I have 24 of the 201 parks needed. I am really having a blast.
Yesterday I completed all of the POTA parks in Rhode Island. There are a total of fifty-two parks.
21 Alden Street, Johnston, RI 02919